Saturday, March 12, 2005

5. Becoming even more interested/have the passion in buses thru SgBuses Forum and bus outing/spotting.
Well, ever since i knew about this SgBuses Forum website, i started to become more and more interested in buses and i shall have the passion for buses. The 1st person i have ever knew through both MSN and bus outing/rides is Rachel Lim. Guess wat? She is the 1 and only female member in the SgBuses Forum, and she did once told me that she hopes more people will appreciate buses. It was she that helps me to get though the SgBuses Forum and be vadlidated as a member cos it is not that easy to be part of the member in this 'restricted' forum. The first outing that i have with Rachel was on 27th Feburary 2005 where Service 975 debuted at Bt Panjang(BPJ) Interchange, and coincidently, at that day, i also get to know Jack, also from SgBuses Forum, face-to-face, and i hope from tomorrow's afternoon bus outing/rides with Rachel again, i can get to know more bus fans around, by coincidence ba, i supposed.. ;)

++ quoth Victor Lim at 11:54 PM

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